The North Branford Rotary is seeking nominations for the
Service Above Self Awards.
The North Branford Rotary’s Service Above Self Awards are a wonderful way to recognize those who go above and beyond to serve the community. These individuals are often the unsung heroes who make a lasting impact through their compassion, dedication, and service. If you know someone who exemplifies these qualities, now’s the time to nominate them.
Annually the North Branford Rotary seeks nominations for the
Service Above Self Awards.
The award symbolizes dedication, compassion and generosity.
The Service Above Self Award is presented to individuals who foster impactful and meaningful humanitarian service, and actively help
others in our community.
Take notice of those around you and their contributions to making a difference. I encourage you all to keep these individuals in mind and consider nominating them for the Service Above Self Award .
Why is recognition important?
Recognition, such as the Service Above Self Award, is not about
glorifying the honorees, but about expressing gratitude for their
contributions to our community's success.
It lets them know that what they do matters.
It fuels their souls and not only motivates them, but also Inspires
everyone around them.
It instills a sense of belonging and camaraderie in the community.
Consider nominating someone today. Please go to and follow the link to the online submission form.
Should you have questions regarding the form please do not hesitate to reach out via email to or call Melinda Fonda @ 203-988-0883.
Nominations are Due by April 25, 2025