C4P-logo-website-bannerWe are a group of Palestinians and Israelis who have taken an active part in the cycle of violence in our area; the Israelis as soldiers in the IDF and the Palestinians as combatants fighting to free their country, Palestine, from the Israeli occupation.

In a joint Israeli-Palestinian initiative, Combatants for Peace was founded based on the following principles:

  • We are convinced that the conflict cannot be resolved through military means exercised by either side.
  • We believe that only through joint action can we break the cycle of violence and end the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories.
  • We call for the foundation of a Palestinian state, the capital of which will be East Jerusalem and based on the borders of the 4th of June, 1967. The Palestinian state will reside side by side with Israel, and a relationship based on peace and security will exist between the two states.
  • We choose to participate in a non-violent struggle in order to achieve our goals. We call for people from both sides to join us in achieving peace between Israelis and Palestinians.
  • We call for leaders from both sides to take a brave step forward and initiate a serious negotiation in order to end the conflict, to desist from taking one sided steps and to stop building the settlements in the west bank and in east Jerusalem, whose hidden goal is to perpetuate the conflict and block any chance for real peace.

Combatants for Peace is in the middle of a tour of Rotary Clubs and is seeking partners for peace. More information is available at: http://iwagepeace.org/combatantsforpeace.html.

For a video, please visit: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xbzw6m_combatants-for-peace-promotional-fi_news.