Cheryl Smith stated that," The Children’s Center ofHamden” is Connecticut’s oldest charteredprivate child-caring agency and was founded in 1833 as "The New HavenOrphan Asylum. The children they servestruggle with serious emotional, behavioral psychological and social problems,such as physical and/or sexual abuse; psychiatric illness; learningdisabilities; substance abuse; and family trauma. On a daily average over 170children and families receive services through at least one of their programs.
The Children’s Centerof Hamden has a staff of 240, with the majority falling into these categories:child care workers, therapists, and teachers.
Referrals come from avariety of sources, including the Department of Children and Families (DCF),other social service agencies, psychiatric hospitals, local boards ofeducation, juvenile justice agencies, and parents.
Their funding comesfrom The Department of Children and Families (DCF), tuition from local schoolsystems, State Medicaid fee for services, State and Federal grants, ManagedCare/Health Insurance and contributions from individuals, business andfoundations.
She stated that they have not had increases in funding forseveral years which has made it difficult to meet the needs of their clients.